No previous French knowledge is necessary, this club will include some attempts at full French conversation using the words and phrases we learn. Allons-y, mes amis!
In this club, you'll learn real French phrases that you won't find in any guidebook. These sayings are windows into French culture, the current French mentality, and how they view the concept of love, affection and showing (or not showing) care to other people. Let's learn them, practice them, find their deeper meaning (and sometimes double or triple meanings) and let's have an intelligent, cultural and ultimately human discussion about it all!
How do the French express love in their language? How does the current generation do it differently or similarly to previous ones? How do they look at dating? Marriage? Family? How do they express affection towards friends? And how is that different or similar to how they express it to romantic partners? Family? Sports, food, music, and things they love?
You might think you know a lot about how the French see love but perhaps that idea is based on outdated stereotypes? Or perhaps it's spot on? Let's find out. Nico, a very opinionated, proud and switched-on Frenchman will be your guide in this club. Let's take a journey together, through real France and real love with all the ups, downs, horror, beauty and confusion that come with them!